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Letter to GOP Candidates

December 24th, 2015 | Posted by David Whitfield in Global Justice

Dear GOP Candidates:

Among you are liars, bullies, insulters, character assassins, and phonies—not presidential.

And you think our military will continue fighting wars you start based on lies? You talk tough-fluff about bombing until the sand glows, carpet bombing which is NOT legal. You talk as if there are no laws of war. Either you don’t know we are a signatory to the Geneva Convention, or you don’t care. Or is that you’re geopolitically and historically ignorant?

Boots on the ground? Why don’t we pay our soldiers enough to feed their families!? Some 25% of the military families constituting those boots on the grounds are on food stamps, frequenting food banks to feed their families.

The “nation’s food pantries serve 620,000 families with a member in the military—another troubling indication that service members battling against poverty must often rely on the generosity of our charities.” [ http://www.thenation.com/article/620000-military-families-rely-food-pantries-meet-basic-needs/]

And you’re talking tough-fluff? You have no shame, GOP.

How many times did GOP deny fund to improve embassy security around the world? Did you know that we have US marine boots in those embassies? How many times has your party, GOP, screwed us veterans? Numerous!

Examples of rejected Bills constituting veterans being screwed:

  • H.R. 466 – Wounded Veteran Job Security Act became H. R. 2875.
  • H.R. 1168 — Veterans Retraining Act
  • H.R. 1171 – Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program Reauthorization
  • H.R. 1172 — Requiring List on VA Website of Organizations Providing Scholarships for Veterans
  • H.R. 1293 — Disabled Veterans Home Improvement and Structural Alteration Grant Increase Act of 2009
  • H.R. 1803 — Veterans Business Center Act
  • H.R. 2352 – Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act

And guess what, GOP candidates? You don’t give a damn about our military families. If you cared, they wouldn’t be on food stamps, or visiting food banks; if you cared you would have passed the above acts. The military is not your pawns on the world chessboard, GOP. And one day they will deny your request to fight your stupid wars. You are defense contractor friendly, veteran friendly.

All nine of you avoided military service; some of you avoided with many deferments, deferments obtained by your daddy, for daddy’s little boy, or someone knew your daddy, while others served, died, or served and lost limbs, severe brain injuries, homeless; and you don’t want to fund their care!  Now you want to use young men and women for fodder while your children go to the best schools.

Yet, you talk tough-fluff without knowing what the hell you’re talking about; it appears not a one of you knows jack about war; all you do is talk bluster, prattle, complete nonsense. As a veteran, I am appalled at things you say that are pure lies, damn lies with false statistics. How many generals retired “because they told Pres. Obama something he didn’t want to hear?  Zero! And it’s not that you lie, it’s that we can no longer trust you–none of you. And who wants to vote for bullying, degrading, insulting, lying candidates?

What about justice for all?



Major, U. S. Army, Retired &

Global Citizen!



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2 Responses

  • Madelyn Harvey says:

    Your candor is appreciated regarding the treatment of our Veterans. Someone has to be an advocate for this neglected population. We tend to go about our daily lives taking most things for granted. The wars that have been fought and the sacrifices that have been made by our Veterans often go unnoticed. If there is a population that should be significantly compensated, it is our Veterans. Better planning for those returning from war needs to occur. No Veteran should have to be concerned with living arrangements or medical and mental health treatment once they are back on U.S. soil. These are issues that should be addressed prior to deployment. A plan needs to be developed for each Veteran and their families prior to being sent overseas. As you have noted there has been legislation that has failed pertaining to this population. I believe more exposure is needed. It may be too shameful for some Veterans to form a coalition and take a stand against the government, but something needs to be done to ensure that they are properly recognized and provided with the care needed after duty. It is just not enough to say, “We thank you for your service”. I applaud your bluntness and I sense your frustration. More of us need to express the same attitude if change is to occur. What can we do to make a difference?

    • Thank you so very, very much! I so agree with you! As a vet, I just can’t help it. And I find it very hard to believe; that our leadership sends men and women off to war; when they return, leadership turns the other way. I find that simply despicable! As you said, more of “We the People” need to speak out, especially when 25% of military families are on food stamps; plus many go to food banks to feed their family. To be brutally honest, I am just pissed at our leadership.
      I thank you again for substantive comments.

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