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Gender Justice vs. Misogyny

August 25th, 2012 | Posted by David Whitfield in Mysogyny - Hatred of Women

Who in the hell do they think they are, trying to control women’s bodies?
And they call themselves leaders!?
Why do men brazenly abridge the rights of women? I believe because many men are misogynists—haters of women. Jack Holland states in his book Misogyny, when it comes to men: “This is what makes misogyny so complex: it involves a man’s conflict within himself…for the most part, the conflict is not even recognized.” The conflict among men and within men, is wreaking havoc for women, against women. This is evinced by legislators, so called “leaders,” in all 50 states have introduced one thousand, one-hundred (1,100) provisions related to reproductive rights. At the end of 2011, they had passed 135 new provisions, 92 of which target abortion rights. And they call themselves leaders? These men are charlatans, imposters, and don’t even know what leadership is.
“Leadership should be born out of the understanding of the needs of those who would be affected by it,” said Marian Anderson. Men continue to write “contracts” against women with the aim of subordinating them, controlling them, demeaning them, and denying them their equal rights to gender justice.
Men wrote the social contract; men wrote the sexual contract (please see Carol Pateman’s book, The Sexual Contract), where she discusses men’s control of women’s bodies). Here’s what I would like to know: Who controls men’s bodies? Patriarchy? Modern patriarchy is alive and well. Carol Pateman says, “Modern patriarchy is characterized by a contractual relationship between men, and part of that contract involves power over women.” This power is executed via three definitive contracts: the marriage contract which accords men or husbands the right to sexual access without being charged with marital rape. The prostitution contract according to Pateman requires equal access by men to women, in particular sexual access: access to their bodies. Again, who’s in charge of men’s bodies? And finally, the contract for surrogate motherhood, Pateman says, “can be understood as more of the same, although in terms of access to women’s reproductive capacities.”
Apparently, most men, especially misogynistic legislators have never heard the meaning of gender justice. In her “Gender Justice and Reconciliation,” Nahla Valji says it is “…defined as ‘the protection and promotion of civil, political, economic and social rights on the basis of gender equality…’” Gender justice is essential for women’s survival, economic freedom, and their reproductive freedom. Susan B. Anthony said it best in 1876, in the Declaration of Rights for Women: “We ask justice, we ask equality, we ask that all the civil and political rights that belong to citizens of the United States, be guaranteed to us and our daughters forever.”
Not only do women tolerate the legislative, misogynist, cavemen mentality (from men), but they are also exploited. According to the United Nations, women do 66% of the world’s work; they produce 50% of the world’s food; and earn a whopping 10% of the world’s income; yet they possess a paltry 1% of the world’s property? Is that gender justice?
And how do we reconcile the numerous atrocities against women and girls: sex trafficking, sex slavery, political rape, domestic rape—that every 6 minutes in this country a woman is raped? That’s every 6 minutes! In 2009, 16,150 women were raped or sexually assaulted in our military; only 8% were prosecuted; only 2% were convicted. And let’s not forget the price women pay during wars. They are raped as a form of retaliation; yet, they had nothing to do with what started the stupid war in the first place. “It is generally accepted that because of gendered powered relations, it is women who pay the disproportionate costs of war,” says Valji. Is this also part of the sexual contract? Mind you, we are talking about half the population here.
Then there’s maternal mortality: a woman dies every minute, trying to give birth to a child. Where is the gender justice in all of this? What about social justice and gender justice when it comes to women’s wellbeing? What tells us that this abuse and primitive treatment of women is acceptable? Does our community endorse this treatment? And what would Jesus say about all of this? Mind you, Hell is closed; and all the devils are here on earth.
Florynce Kennedy says, “The biggest sin is sitting on your ass.” Think about how we participate in misogyny. To what degree are we complicit?
What are your thoughts?

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4 Responses

  • Madelyn Harvey says:

    The majority of society does not endorse the maltreatment of women, hence the reason most is done in secret. There are feminist groups who advocate for the rights of women and there are strict laws which protect women from exploitation; however, both women and men have to endure some hardship in life as a result of the fall from grace. The purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to ensure the redemption of all men. If more people were to believe the word of God and exercise true Christianity, then maybe we will experience social justice.

    • Madelyn,
      How are you!? And thank you!! What’s confusing to me is why do men think they have the authority and knowledge to dictate what women should or should not do with their bodies? Who empowered them to do so? We men know very little about women in general and their bodies in particular. In my very first economic class, I engaged the professor with the idea of a Housewife fund (this was 1971) set up for women who stay and maintain the home. When he asked why, I tried to explain that the house work women did should be compensated; that if the breadwinner were to pay a house-sitter or babysitter to wash and cook, etc., he or she (mostly he’s at the time) would have to pay a very large sum of money annually. That idea has begun to float lightly. And I believe if men got on board and endorsed such idea, it would mean more respect for women and women would not work, work, work with little or no compensation. Women, according to the United Nations, do 66% of the world’s work; women produce 50% of the world’s food; and earn a whopping 10% of the world’s income; yet they possess a measly 1% of the world’s property. Yet they are mistreated, abused physically, and I could go on. Maltreatment of women needs to stop immediately; and all of us in general, and men in particular need to step in and issue a cease-and-desist order and enforce it.
      Thank you again!

      • Madelyn Harvey says:


        I am doing fine and you are welcome!
        In answer to your question, men have always believed they had the right to dictate to women, whether it be with respect to their bodies, or in other areas of their lives. As a society we have to take responsibility for the way in which males perceive themselves. Men were once sole breadwinners, which placed them in a position of authority. In previous years women depended upon men for their total well-being, which resulted in submissiveness. Once women joined the workforce, their roles changed and they began demanding more rights. In some portions of the world women are still being exploited and men are still viewed as superior beings, but we have seen changes in the United States in recent years. Change continues to evolve as women demand equal rights. Once women find their place in society and develop confidence in their new found roles, men will no longer be in a position to dominate and control them. We can only hope that this will serve to be true, not just in this country, but in countries around the globe.

        • Madelyn,
          For me, it feels so good that women have begun to engage the world differently; they are earning more degrees than men; they are pushing back. I hope that more women will push back especially in the “equal work for equal pay” arena. That tells me more work is needed regarding equal pay for equal work, human trafficking, etc., from both men and women. It is both a moral, social, and an economic imperative. I love your comments. And please keep them coming–I am forever grateful!!

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